
africa now meaning in English



  1. But you ' re not in africa now
  2. Farmers in sub - saharan africa now use only about 9kg of fertiliser per hectare on average , compared with 142kg in south - east asia
  3. The oldest died in india . two are in south africa now , an another s on a whaling voyage , an one s travellin with a circus - he does trapeze work
  4. Chinese diaspora in africa now numbers perhaps 80 , 000 , including labourers and businessmen , who bring entrepreneurial wit and wisdom to places usually visited only by land cruisers from international aid agencies
    在非洲,中国人的数量可能有80 , 000之多,包括有劳工和商人,他们给那里带来了商业的智慧和创业的精神。
  5. A chinese diaspora in africa now numbers perhaps 80 , 000 , including labourers and businessmen , who bring entrepreneurial wit and wisdom to places usually visited only by land cruisers from international aid agencies
    在非洲,中国人的数量可能有80 , 000之多,包括有劳工和商人,他们给那里带来了商业的智慧和创业的精神。
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